Conference on
Advances in Electronics Engineering 2019
February 23rd & 24th 2019 (Friday & Saturday)
About CAEE 2019
Modern world increasingly depends on electronic devices to make our life easier. The present day technological and digital transformation is changing the world and is offering challenging opportunities for engineers.
Electronics Engineering has a vital position in this revolution as it is the amalgamation of all the state of the art technologies like electronic devices modeling and simulation, VLSI and Nano-technology, Robotics, Automation and Embedded Systems. The development of all these domains has helped to design devices on computers and thereby minimizing trial and error fabrication and test steps.
To discuss and deliberate on such domain specific developments, TCET has successfully held eight international events in a row ICWET 2010, 11, 12 and Multicon-W 2013, 14, 15, 16 and 17 in association with international journals of repute and multinationals in the IT industry with an objective to reach new horizons.
Paper Submission Deadline : 15/01/2019
Paper Selection Notification: 19/01/2019
Registration Deadline: 25/01/2019
Camera Ready Submission Deadline : 31/01/2019
Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering 2019 (CAEE -2019)
To Go...
Conference Registration Information
(Registration Fees Payment Details/Acknowledgements)
Dr. S. C. Patil
Phone : +91-9969634801
Specific Information:
Mrs. Poorva Waingankar
Phone: +91-9323906881
Mrs. Jyoti Kori
Phone: +91-9920057670
Mrs. Sujata Alegavi
Phone: +91-9819527712
General Information
Ms. Kishori K./ Ms. Vidya Pawar
Phone: 67308000 / 106 / 107
Time: 9 a.m to 6 p.m
Mr. Sumit Kumar
Phone : +91-8879198853/8369292948